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15 reasons to visit the Georgia Aquarium

If you are spending some time in Atlanta, here are 15 reasons to visit the Georgia Aquarium.

1. It is the largest aquarium in the western hemisphere and the second largest in the world. So there is a LOT to see!

2. The Dolphin Celebration show. It is incredible. The dolphins are their trainers are great to watch as they interact and do many amazing routines.

3. Watching the people get wet at the Dolphin Celebration Show – the first few rows get soaked!

4. Seeing the enjoyment of the kids watching the Dolphin Celebration Show – the kids really get into it and the joy on their faces is great to see.

5. Crawling through the tunnel under the penguin exhibit and then standing up and in the middle of them.

Penguins at Georgia Aquarium

By Mark Doliner , CC BY 2.0

6. Being able to touch the rays (plenty of staff around to make sure the rays don’t get harmed)


By Diliff (Own work) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

7. Sea lion show – they are so adorable!

8. The moving belt that allows you to just stand and enjoy the view as it moves you through an enormous tank where you can look up and see sharks and many other species of fish.


By DiliffOwn work, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=533725

9. The sea otters. You can stand and watch them for hours as they swim and play.

10. The knowledgeable and friendly staff who are on hand to answer any questions you may have

11. The discounts you can get on the tickets if you buy online and the special discounts they offer: Just for buying online you get 10% discount. If you can arrive before 11am you can get 20% discount and if you arrive after 4pm (as we did), then you get over 30% discount. There are also extra discounts for military, moms with kids, Georgia residents and more – so take a look!

AND if you will be in Atlanta for a few days and plan to visit some other attractions – check out the Atlanta City Pass for even bigger discounts!

12. It’s in walking distance from public transport. We used the MARTA and it was just a few blocks walk from there.

13. The Aquanaut Adventure Interactive Discovery Zone – young and adult can spend hours learning as they “play” with the displays.

14.  The gift shop – the stuffed animals are adorable and very well priced

Georgia Aquarium Gift Shop
Photo by Amy van der Merwe. All rights reserved.

15.Pokémon GO players are welcome! There are 4 Pokéstops in the Aquarium and 2 outside. The wifi is free and you can find charging stations in the Southwest Air lounge. They even have special hashtags you can use while you play.

So, what are you waiting for? Start planning a trip to Atlanta and the Georgia Aquarium now!

Reasons to visit the Georgia Aquarium

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Meryl loves to travel whenever she has the chance. When she isn't traveling she is likely to be teaching or coaching middle and schoolers. Of course, one of the subjects she teaches is Geography!