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Thanksgiving is such a great time, especially when your kids grow up and leave home.  They come back for Thanksgiving and it is such a blessing. My 2 sons are back in town from college, one on the West Coast and one on the East cost. In July we traveled to the Bordeaux region of France for my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration. The family chose this spot to get together for the party. I have prepared a photo book of the event for the in-laws for a Christmas gift and was showing it to my sons. It brought back the memories of the time. The family has tentatively decided that getting together like this is so much fun that we have set aside July 2015 to meet in Tuscany.  This photo was taken in the village of Brantôme. Dang, I wish I had more time to travel to neat places and photograph.


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Piers van der Merwe

Born in Zimbabwe, educated in Cape Town (UCT), now living in Knoxville, USA. I travel a lot for work, to a wide variety of venues that affords me the opportunity for taking interesting and varied photos. Hobbies, other than photography, include cycling and reading.

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