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This is the second post on my experience with the Sony NEX-6.  The experiment is really about mirrorless cameras with the Sony being the chosen vehicle. I just took a trip to Sarasota, Florida for medical reasons. The one evening, I took a “test drive” of the camera.  No tripod unfortunately. The image below is one I shot on the

outing.  I will talk more about this image later when I discuss the HDR features of the camera.

Sarasota Beach


But I must say it was a complete pleasure carrying the camera on the plane. My favorite travel configuration (and I do a lot of travel) is my trusty, Eddie Bauer carry on suitcase with the unsurpassable Timbuktu messenger bag as my laptop bag. I have the camera bag insert for the Timbuktu, and it was a dream to drop the Sony into the bag.  Almost couldn’t tell it was there.

This is very significant, because I have often toyed with the idea of buying a top-end compact camera to use for times I didn’t want to carry the SLR.  However, every time I looked at them, I felt I would be frustrated by their capabilities.  I am also not into taking snapshots.  I have my iPhone for that. The Sony is the first camera I think will fill this need.

The downside, which is small in my view, is that you may look like a tourist!  My son gleefully pointed this out to me.

Conclusion: The lightweight, small size of the camera are welcome features and make a compelling reason to switch.  But I am waiting to really test it before I can say I am ready to switch, once and for all. I have already noticed a higher level of noise when processing some pictures for NDR, even using ISO 100.

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Piers van der Merwe

Born in Zimbabwe, educated in Cape Town (UCT), now living in Knoxville, USA. I travel a lot for work, to a wide variety of venues that affords me the opportunity for taking interesting and varied photos. Hobbies, other than photography, include cycling and reading.

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