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Often this part of Jamaica is famous for all the wrong reasons. Home to many of the adult resorts and clothing optional beaches, one can be forgiven for thinking this is a place to avoid if you want a family vacation. However, it is worth a second look. Home to one of the longest and best beaches on the island, it is definitely a place you should consider if you are looking for a beach vacation. The entire beach known as the 7 mile beach, stretches for a long way and is gorgeous. Blue, warm waters invite you dive in. I guess from point to point it may well be 7 miles but I think this is a stretch. But that doesn’t really matter because there is plenty of beach to be had for everyone. We were there over Spring Break and it did not feel overcrowded in any way. Part of the reason for this is that it is far away from where the cruise ships dock.

We travelled there from Montego Bay for the day. Although only about 40 miles (75km) it is a 2 hour drive given the single lane road and lots of traffic. Access to the beach, if you don’t stay at a local resort or hotel is not easy.  We chose to eat at Cosmo’s Restaurant which gives you access to the beach for J$400 per person. Cosmo’s, found as you enter Nigril from Montego Bay side has been around for at least 40 odd years. Websites like Trip Advisor give it good, if somewhat mixed reviews. Service is definitely of the laid back, Jamaican variety, but you’re on vacation ‘mon’, so who cares. The food is reasonable, mildly expensive for what you get.  But the atmosphere is great, with tables just off the beach and soft, iconic music playing in the background.

There are many hotels, condo’s and resorts to choose from if you want to stay in the area. Do your research well because the quality varies greatly. There are a lot beach activities from snorkeling, parasailing and more available on the beach. Of course, you will be offered weed. That is just par for the course in Jamaica. Many reviews online speak of public nudity. In my more than 5 mile walk along the beach I did not see any of this.


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Piers van der Merwe

Born in Zimbabwe, educated in Cape Town (UCT), now living in Knoxville, USA. I travel a lot for work, to a wide variety of venues that affords me the opportunity for taking interesting and varied photos. Hobbies, other than photography, include cycling and reading.

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