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Kayaking on the Tennessee River in Knoxville
Photo by Amy van der Merwe

Last Sunday we rented kayaks and spent a pleasant hour kayaking. We rented from Billy Lush Boards which operates from Volunteer Landing in Downtown Knoxville.

At $30 per hour for a double kayak they aren’t cheap. (Check the rates for single kayaks and longer time periods.) But it was very easy to book ahead of time using their online system. You are provided with links for the waivers too so you can send those to all in your party and they are also completed online.

**Tip: They do Half Off Hump Days – so visit on a Wednesday if you want half off AND grab a punch card as your 5th rental is free!

Parking was no problem and we were quickly checked in and sent down to the river. All the staff were very friendly. We got straight into kayaks and were off up the Tennessee River. It was very peaceful on the water and we saw very few boats.

Kayaking in Downtown Knoxville

Billy Lush also rents canoes, SUPs (Stand up paddleboards), Hydro-bikes and Beach Cruiser Bikes. They are open Wednesday to Sunday.

You can also rent kayaks, canoes and SUPs at Mead’s Quarry in Ijams. They are cheaper (only $12 per boat). Our daughter has done this a few times and has enjoyed it – but paddling around a small lake isn’t quite the same as paddling on the Tennessee River. You can download and print the waiver from their website and they are open 7 days a week.

Kayaking on Mead's Quarry
Photo Credit: Liz Jones

Another option is to rent kakaks, SUPs and canoes at the Cove on Northshore Drive. Once again you will be on the Tennessee River but the drawback here is you have to rent for either a 1/2 day ($40) or a full day ($50).

You can’t book either of the last two options online – so you just have to go to the locations and take your chances. Both are operated by River Sports Outfitters.

So if you enjoy kayaking and live in Knoxville or are visiting the area, these are three options you have to enjoy the sport.

Kayaking in Knoxville
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Meryl loves to travel whenever she has the chance. When she isn't traveling she is likely to be teaching or coaching middle and schoolers. Of course, one of the subjects she teaches is Geography!