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Pike's Place Seattle

The following is a photo essay of Pike’s Place in Seattle. This is one of the top tourist destinations in Seattle, for good reason. It is a cornucopia of sights, sounds and smells.

At the heart of this market are the fishmongers. The most famous are the ones that throw the fish. It’s a spectacle without a purpose other than to delight the crowd, which they do in abundance. This man just caught a fish thrown from 50 feet away. His colleague thought it was a close call, but maybe that’s part of the showmanship.

Fish Catcher

At the end of the day, the fish are really the stars of the show! But they have their eyes on you!

fish eyes

But the market is more than just fish. There is an abundance of natural produce, sold by colorful characters.

Fresh Produce at Pike's Place

Fresh Produce


And then there are the incredibly colorful and beautiful flower sellers. You can see why its almost an complete overload of the senses.

Flower Seller!


Flower Seller 2

Another major attraction of this place is the “first” Starbucks store. There was a long line of people, mainly Asians, who were dying to get in and sample the store. This young man singing for a few dollars added more interest to the location (actually may have been the star of the show!).

Guitar Man

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Piers van der Merwe

Born in Zimbabwe, educated in Cape Town (UCT), now living in Knoxville, USA. I travel a lot for work, to a wide variety of venues that affords me the opportunity for taking interesting and varied photos. Hobbies, other than photography, include cycling and reading.

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