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This is the mecca of car lovers, maybe not for Ferrari or BMW lovers. But if you are Mercedes or Porsche fan, this is a good city to visit.  I’m here on a work trip, staying in a gorgeous little village called Korntal which has a really interesting history… more of that in a bit. Yesterday we took a break from our meetings and visited the Porsche Museum. This is the second visit for me, but I still really enjoyed it. The following photos were taken by a good friend of mine, Harun with his iPhone.  I am always amazed by what these phones can produce.

Red Porsche


Red Convertable


The “model” in the next shot is another good friend from Morocco, Latif.



What a lot of people don’t realize is that Porsche takes on a lot of projects for other companies. One of those is Harley Davidson. I bet this is one of Harley’s better engines.



Back to the town of Korntal. Originally an estate, it became a town in 1819 based on the model established by the Moravian’s – a kind of civic/Christian community where you had to be Christian to be able to live in the town. This status was terminated in 1919 by the Weimar Constitution. However, the strong Christian presence remains in the town with a very active church community (by German standards). There is also a seminary based in the town.

We are staying in the Landschloss Hotel. This morning I was able to go for a run and within a mile I was in a gorgeous little forest that is a bird sanctuary. This is about a mile from the Porsche Museum and factory. Hard to believe you are in an industrial location.

I have grown to love Southern Germany.  Everything is so organized, neat and clean.

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Piers van der Merwe

Born in Zimbabwe, educated in Cape Town (UCT), now living in Knoxville, USA. I travel a lot for work, to a wide variety of venues that affords me the opportunity for taking interesting and varied photos. Hobbies, other than photography, include cycling and reading.

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