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I just received my new Sony A7R.  From the first days the camera came out last year I knew I was going to migrate to it from my Nikon kit (although I will still keep most of my Nikon lenses and one body). But I was waiting for the 24 – 70 mm Sony lens to come out. It starting shipping last weekend and mine arrived yesterday. So my first thought was, how does this compare to the Nikon 24 – 70, which is a superb lens? So I am running a few tests. The first and most obvious difference that you can see is the different white balance results. The Nikon is much warmer (and I think more reflective of the light). The Nikon (a D700 12 Mega Pixel camera) is still marginally sharper. But I am still pretty happy with the Sony.


First up: The Sony A7R




Next the D700 VAN_3284

Now for crops of those images:

Sony A7R

A7R crop-1

Nikon D700

D7000 crop-1

Conclusion: The Sony A7R doesn’t break my back and is pretty sharp. Happy so far.

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Piers van der Merwe

Born in Zimbabwe, educated in Cape Town (UCT), now living in Knoxville, USA. I travel a lot for work, to a wide variety of venues that affords me the opportunity for taking interesting and varied photos. Hobbies, other than photography, include cycling and reading.

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