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If you are entering this site for the first time, please understand that it is still a work in progress. There was an older blog up an running, but I have shifted into a new direction, photographically.  So I am busy reorganizing things.

At some point, in the middle of 2013 I will publish a large number of photos from around the world. Until then, click on the portfolio tab above to see some of the photos that I have already released.  You are free to download these and use them for personal use, just not commercially.  Where you do use them personally, the only requirement is that you reference them to me, and point people to this site. You will find more about these “rules” on the blog itself. (Its called Creative Commons – Non Commercial).

I hope you enjoy the photos.  Send feedback!

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Piers van der Merwe

Born in Zimbabwe, educated in Cape Town (UCT), now living in Knoxville, USA. I travel a lot for work, to a wide variety of venues that affords me the opportunity for taking interesting and varied photos. Hobbies, other than photography, include cycling and reading.

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